Category: Plants

  • Collard Greens: Yellow 7 (because that is the label)

    Collard Greens: Yellow 7 (because that is the label)

    Collard greens are good to grow all year round in Harris County, Texas. I recommend planting seeds every week. This one planted probably, hum, about 4-6 weeks ago, so let’s say October 1, 2021. The green hexagon plastic that is in the pot is to discourage squirrels from digging. I find in my garden that…

  • Why is my Okra woody?

    Why is my Okra woody?

    To avoid woody okra, harvest as soon as the pods are plump. Another indication of when to harvest is when the next pod up the stalk appears. It is better to harvest too early because once the pods mature to their woody phase they will not be palatable. Okra is an incredible plant that has…

  • How to use Soil Pods

    How to use Soil Pods

    Soil Pods are a dehydrated soil wafer that Okra Garden Supply sells to help make it easy for gardeners to start new plants. Soil Pods are made in the USA, organic, and have the minerals and nutrients that will help your seeds need to start. Purchase Soil Pods from Okra Garden Supply Thank you for…

  • Soil Pod Wrapper Origami Box for Germinating Seeds

    Soil Pod Wrapper Origami Box for Germinating Seeds

    Part of the Okra Garden Supply mission is to drive sustainability with our product design and supply chain. One way we want to achieve this is to look for ways to reduce waste in our product packaging. We chose butcher paper to wrap and protect many of the Okra Garden Supply products, like Soil Pods…

  • Choose Wisely

    Choose Wisely

    Decisions must be made. How to choose what plants to plant: Grow what grows.  Start simple and build on success.  For me, in Houston, I grow collard greens because they germinate and grow every day of the year, in nearly every spot, in all types of soil.   Collard greens may not be at the…

  • Get Started

    The First Goal is not the Final Goal Dear Reader, Are you wondering how to get started? The best way to start is to complete the first step.   Just accomplish the first thing.  In gardening the first step is taking a dry hard seed and turning it into a pair of tender leaves.  This is…

  • Gardening: What Went Wrong?

    Hello Friends, Face it, sometimes things don’t work out. Usually it is because you have missed one of the four S’s Sprout Soil Spot Season   Make sure you get those right, and I bet you will find the fifth ‘s’ – Success! Love, FireAntLisa

  • Brown Thumb? Doesn’t Exist.

    Eat to Live! Live to Eat! Spring, TX Do not let disappointment distract you from your dream of growing. You can, and will, grow something and receive joy from the experience. Just know that along the way plants will probably die. When something dies – plant something else, don’t worry. Keep going. There is nothing…

  • 3 Best Photos Of 2017

    Happy New Year! Favorite photo: these three Assassin bugs. Insects are a wonderful sort of wildlife to enjoy in the garden. Photo #2: Ant Pile Here is another post on DIATOMS: Manage Fire Ants Without Pesticide Photo # 3: Bidens alba   And a link to a little more about Bidens: The Curious Case Of…

  • Grow And Eat Greens

    How To Grow and Eat Greens Spring, TX The important thing is to focus on the greens. Grow and eat the greens. Grow and eat the greens. Grow and eat the greens. To grow collard greens I recommend starting in small pots, then when the plants have four true leaves they should be planted in…